How Hard Is It To Get Life Insurance With A DUI?


It is very hard to get life insurance with a DUI if not near impossible in some instances. A DUI or driving while under the influence of drugs or alcohol conviction is deemed a moral risk (like speeding) and it makes it difficult for life insurance companies to accept the risk from an underwriting standpoint. If you are able to get life insurance with a DUI you will need to look at a company that provides life insurance, usually term life insurance, as a high risk insurer. High risk life insurance companies have the experience to understand the complexity of the risk presented by someone with a DUI and can consider other factors to determine the feasibility of issuing life insurance.

  • Factors in Underwriting Life Insurance for DUI

Life insurance involves the transferring of risk from the individual to a life insurance company. In exchange for a premium payment made on a life insurance amount of some predetermined amount or face value a death benefit is paid by the life insurance company to the beneficiaries of the insured if a premature death occurs. To receive the best insurance rates for your life insurance policy from an insurance company an insurance company is going to deem whether or not you present an unacceptable risk of dying prematurely, resulting in their having to make a payout.

  • Finding Life Insurance for DUI

To find life insurance dui you need to look for a life insurance company that is willing to accept the risk. This high risk life insurance company will look at your case on an individual basis in order to determine the level of risk that you present to them and at what cost. If you have recently been arrested on a DUI (within 2 years), your chances of getting life insurance will be much more difficult than if your DUI conviction is greater than 2 or 5 years.